Unable to get openebs or vanilla lpv working with rancher

Openebs has been deployed successfully in my cluster. Same manner we do in our non-rancher clusters.

All the openebs pods come up and appear to be working.

E1030 16:22:45.200711 1 volume.go:163] Error when connecting to maya-apiserver Get LINK_REMOVED/latest/volumes/wordpress-data-wordpress-mariadb-0-1643658763: dial tcp LINK_REMOVED: i/o timeout

Name: openebs-percona-test
Namespace: default
StorageClass: openebs1-rep2
Status: Pending
Annotations: LINK_REMOVED/leader={“holderIdentity”:“cc6f32a5-dc5c-11e8-9d39-8a98157f0399”,“leaseDurationSeconds”:15,“acquireTime”:“2018-10-30T16:19:25Z”,“renewTime”:“2018-10-30T16:20:29Z”,"lea…
Finalizers: [LINK_REMOVED]
Access Modes:
Type Reason Age From Message

Normal ExternalProvisioning 27s (x25 over 1m) persistentvolume-controller waiting for a volume to be created, either by external provisioner “LINK_REMOVED” or manually created by system administrator
Normal Provisioning 5s (x3 over 1m) LINK_REMOVED openebs-provisioner-57cb7b7645-qkl2q cc6f32a5-dc5c-11e8-9d39-8a98157f0399 External provisioner is provisioning volume for claim “default/openebs-percona-test”
Warning ProvisioningFailed 5s (x2 over 35s) LINK_REMOVED openebs-provisioner-57cb7b7645-qkl2q cc6f32a5-dc5c-11e8-9d39-8a98157f0399 Failed to provision volume with StorageClass “openebs1-rep2”: Get LINKED_REMOVED/latest/volumes/default-openebs-percona-test-1251948922: dial tcp i/o timeout

Using 0.7.0 version of the operator.

And why is this preventing users from posting more than 2 links? Really? Especially a K8s related site? Since half the stuff in K8s resembles a DNS domain?