Unsupported ceph-iscsi config version. expected 10 >= and <= but found 9 in Lab 3-5

Got Unsupported ceph-iscsi config version. expected 10 >= and <= but found 9 in Lab 3-5.
Reboot mon1 again as note said to workaround ,but problem still, no improve.

And trying to reboot mon2 to workaround, but got iSCSI GW down status and target inaccessible. Pls kindly advise.

  1. Close the browser this happened in
  2. Reboot the mon1 virtual machine
  3. After ~30 seconds, open a browser and go to mon2.example.net:8443
  4. Login with the admin user, password of mypassword
  5. You should be able to complete the lab