Upgrade haproxy v0.7.1 to v0.6.4?

Today Rancher is informing us that rancher/lb-service-haproxy can be updated:

The balancer software image will be upgraded from rancher/lb-service-haproxy:v0.7.1 to rancher/lb-service-haproxy:v0.6.4.

But that seems like a downgrade to me. What is going on?

We are using rancher/server:latest which was pulling v1.6.0 in the beginning of last week. After a restart last Wednesday it seems to have pulled v1.5.10 instead. Why?

Same problem here. Hopefully the new 1.6.1 release will fix this.

Was this issue ever resolved for you guys? I’m still seeing it in 1.6.10.

Havn’t happend again.