Uploading large ISO files fails

I gave Harvester a try, keep it simple for now with a one-node install. Well, it all looks very promissing but I bumped into a problem uploading large ISO files using the webUI:

  • Uploading rather small images seems OK. Fedora Workstation 40 Live image, RockyLinux 9.4 minimal are all rather small around 2GB.
  • Uploading “full” images like Rocky-9.4-x86_64-dvd.iso (and equivalent like AlmaLinux, RHEL etc.) always ends with a corrupted iso. These images are all larger than 10GB.
  • Checking the ISO before the actual install always ends with a Media check error:

  • Downloading from an URL or local disk image does not make a difference…
  • I’m using Harvester 1.3.1

Am I missing something or do I hit a bug (feature…)?


It’s been a problem in the past with earlier versions of Harvester and should be long fixed.

Are you also see corrupt files when downloaded locally then uploaded? If so, after downloading locally are you checking the MD5/SHA checksum(s)?

A trick I still use is Python’s HTTP Server module to serve local files via HTTP (python -m http.server) which cuts out any network issues.

Another thing could be: These are installer images, not runtime images. For spinning up a vm you need a live/cloud image, not the distribution installer DVD image.

I knew this rang a little bell when replying yesterday - I now remember commenting on a GitHub issue about this which I just found - [BUG] CD-ROM device should not need size · Issue #2189 · harvester/harvester · GitHub

It’s supposed to be fixed but I suspect not - I think you’ll need to increase the size of the image volume to match the ISO attached to your VM (screenshot in my GH comment).

Thanks for the replu. Well, since it seems I cannot upload without curruption, I cannot download afterward… Sugestion?

Thanks, but I don’t agree. Using de AlmaLinux minimal ISO, (or Rockey or whatever), which are < 2GB, installing all works fine.

Mmmm, it feels like you’re correct. After uploading the image, Harvester will tell itś 10GB, the real size (du -h <image.iso>) is 11GB.
Now, I cannot find a way to change the size before or after upload…

Uploading a 15 GB (preallocated) qcow2 image seems to work well.

That leaves the question: does Harvester have a problem uploading ISOs > 10 GB…?

No Harvester doesn’t have a problem uploading ISOs > 10GB, the issue is using those larger ISOs.

When creating a VM which uses a larger ISO you just need to remember to increase the size of the CD-ROM image volume to “match” the actual size of the ISO - see the second screen shot in my linked GitHub comment above.

OK, it’s a bit awkward, uploading a 11 GB image which will show up as a 10 GB image. Nevertheless, changing the volume size matching the real size of the ISO did the job. It all works, thanks a lot!

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