When errata information for dnf/yum get updated the field in the updateinfo.xml is modified:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<update from="errata@redhat.com" status="stable" type="security" version="1">
<issued date="2012-01-27 16:08:06"/>
<updated date="2012-01-27 16:08:06"/>
<collection short="">
<package arch="noarch" name="walrus" release="1" src="http://www.fedoraproject.org" version="5.21">
No such field exists on suse’s updateinfo.xml [0]
How does SUSE deal with updated erratum? Is a new errata published everytime an update is needed? Or does SUSE update the existing errata?
[0] https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openSUSE/libzypp/master/zypp/parser/yum/schema/updateinfo.rnc