I’m working in an environment that only allows outgoing Internet access
through their ISA proxy server.
Unfortunately the do not allow basic authentication to the ISA, only NTLM.
I haven’t been able to get the Yast proxy to work with the ISA (perhaps
someone has a solution to this) and therefore they decided to allow
outgoing Internet access from the SLES servers to only the needed domains; secure.novell.com nu.novell.com download.opensuse.org
However this doesn’t seem to be sufficient as it’s not possible to register
new machines with NCC. Looking at a packet trace it seems it also
needs to access a akamai solution. Does someone know what exact
servers are used for the akamai solution?
I’m also aware there is the SMT, once the install grows beyond todays 3
servers I’m planning to set this up in the environment.
I understand that. My question however, was that as we can not get the proxy to work
(we get a 502 error), I need to specify which servers the SLES boxes needs to talk
to for suse_register and patching to work. As Novell/SUSE is using the Akamai is
there a possibility to get a list of which servers is part of that?
The FW team only allows Internet access through either the proxy or to a list of
trusted domains.