Hello Guys,
I’m using a demo version of SELS 11 SP3.
I need before buying the product to be sure that this package can be install on version 11SP3 or more : xdelta3-x-x[…].x86_64.rpm
I found one version but 1.1.0 only…or 3.x.x only for opensuse…
So can someone can check on the online repository which version is available.
A screenshot will be appreciate 
Thanks in advance for your help.
[QUOTE=bguinamant;27957]Hello Guys,
I’m using a demo version of SELS 11 SP3.
I need before buying the product to be sure that this package can be install on version 11SP3 or more : xdelta3-x-x[…].x86_64.rpm
I found one version but 1.1.0 only…or 3.x.x only for opensuse…
So can someone can check on the online repository which version is available.
A screenshot will be appreciate 
Thanks in advance for your help.[/QUOTE]
Try this: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/devel:/tools/SLE_11_SP3/x86_64/xdelta3-3.0.8-18.1.x86_64.rpm
Thanks a lot!!
I’m trying to find online the file for a while 
[QUOTE=bguinamant;27959]Thanks a lot!!
I’m trying to find online the file for a while :)[/QUOTE]
If you go to http://software.opensuse.org/ then search for xdelta and click the “tool” next to search button then you can choose from a list of distros to see if the package is available for SLE11SP3 for example, note that this package is unsupported.
I just saw that it is unsupported.
Now, i have all the answers I needed.
Thanks a lot again for your help.