Why VLC play the media file in another new window?

On SLES 11 SP3, I have already installed the VLC software.
But I meet a problem when I use the VLC to play media file. When I open the VLC to play the media file, then the media could not display in the window of VLC player.
It will display in another popup window. Why it could now display in local window?

The VLC version is 2.0.10.

My final plan is to play the media file with VLC which embedded in firefox browser with html file. But now I do not succeed and I think the problem is that the media file could not display in VLC local window.
The VLC have not this problem on Windows system.

Could someone have meet this problem and give me some suggestion?
Thank you very much!


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Could anyone have some suggestion for this problem?

Thank you very much!