I’ve had problems with SLES11-SP2 Xen kernel booting from EFI in the past and I’ve thought this was already fixed. Now with SP3 on a Dell Power Edge r420 I’m facing the same issues.
According to Dell “SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3 Xen Does Not Boot In UEFI” and “This issue will be fixed in a future release of SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11”. Its true I can avoid this (again) by setting BIOS mode but thats really outside the configuration defaults we use in our company.
This may not work but it may be worth a try. I had problems with UEFI booting when I was trying out KVM, and I found that there was an additional download of the SUSE ISO for KVM which cured the problem. There was something missing on the normal distribution disc which this new one cured. Once you get the operating system installed, you can put on the XEN stuff afterwards. I am booting a 3TB disc with no problems, but I am running KVM, however, I would think that it would probably work just the same for XEN. You will need to search the knowledge base for this disc, but if I can find the reference this weekend, I will post it then.