Add Host in same private network

We have two CentOS VMs running in an ESXi environment.
On centos01 we have Rancher 1.6 up and running.
Now I want to add centos02 as a host with this command:

sudo docker run --rm --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock\
 -v /var/lib/rancher:/var/lib/rancher rancher/agent:v1.2.10\

After doing that, in the hosts overview host centos01 shows its docker0 IP 172.17.01 whereas centos02 shows its ens192 IP I suppose they should be in the same range, shouldn’t they?

I can also see host centos02 never being healthy for all its containers – as far as I can tell they cannot communicate.

Could somebody point me in the right direction here?

Resolved my issue by going over the implementation of an environment again. For some reason I had activated the server as a worker. In my new cattle environment I set up a server and 3 workers and now it seems to work.