Adding SDK repository via command line rug/zypper

Hi there,

how do I add an SDK repository on the command line (both SLES 10 and 11)? I tried the following:


rug sub --strict --service http://smt/ SLE10-SDK-SP4-Pool

It says
ERROR: ‘SLE10-SDK-SP4-Pool’ is not a valid catalog in the specified service http://smt/.

rug ca

does not show the SDK, even though it’s available on the SMT server.

I could also use

rug sa -t ZYPP http://user@smt/repo/\\$RCE/SLE10-SDK-SP4-Pool/sles-10-x86_64 SLE10-SDK-SP4-Pool

but this adds an entire service instead of only a catalog of the already existing SMT service. I feel that is not right.


Here I can use

zypper ar -t yum -n SLE11-SDK-SP1-Pool http://smt/repo/\\$RCE/SLE11-SDK-SP1-Pool/sle-11-x86_64/ SMT-http_smt:SLE11-SDK-SP1-Pool

But, Yast does not show

Service: SMT-http_smt

in the repository details for that repository, however all repositories from the SMT added via yast will have that line. Is that bad? What is the difference?

Thanks for any info or documentation you might have on that subject.


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I don’t have a direct answer to your questions, but this is how I remove and add repositories in SLES 11 with zypper:

Add repository

Mine is via nfs, but I’m sure an http path would work just as well:

zypper ar nfs:// sles11sp1_sdk

List repositories

myhost:~ # zypper lr

| Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh

1 | sles11sp1_sdk | sles11sp1_sdk | Yes | No[/CODE]

Remove repository

zypper rr 1

I believe you can also specify by alias, e.g. “zypper rr sles11sp1_sdk”. Hope this helps.