Additional Repo on client

Can i get additional repo on client from other than RMT server by simple creating correct .repo file in /etc/yum.repo.d/ and is it a valid approach? I did try creating one and got some errors so I wanted to confirm if it is something that can be done before troubleshooting the issue.

It’s definitely possible to have multiple .repo files configured with different repositories. What errors did you see?

Thanks for the response @smflood . I am able to add custom repos and some are working correctly. For some, I get the below error when I try to sync mirror
Below is the example of EPEL 7 repo

 rmt-cli mirror repository epel7
W, [2024-10-16T07:45:45.485680 #132266]  WARN -- : The following errors occurred while mirroring:
W, [2024-10-16T07:45:45.485770 #132266]  WARN -- : Repository 'epel7' (epel7): Unknown repository type.
W, [2024-10-16T07:45:45.485796 #132266]  WARN -- : Mirroring completed with errors.
The command exited with errors.

URL for epel repo I added

It was giving me a similar error for MariaDB repository when I was using instead of as the repo URL which leads me to believe It’s something similar going on with EPEL, but I guess the error is not very informative.

On a test SLES15 SP6 server with RMT I was just able to add a custom repo using that URL for the archived CentOS 7 EPEL repo

rmt-cli repos custom add CentOS7-EPEL

then start mirroring it using rmt-cli mirror with content successfully being pulled.

Note that since this was a new server I set up as a test I didn’t (need to) register with SCC within RMT.

I found the problem. It was my stupid squid blocking the URL. Should have realised this sooner, but the error on RMT threw me off. Nonetheless, much grateful for you to help me here @smflood

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