Adobe is silly

Two points for PS
First regarding its use for photographers and designers over any other
product (gimp or otherwise)
The use of PS is only partly due to its features and ease of use - it
has its own industry built around providing plugins, actions, add-on
products, training etc etc. All to support graphic professionals using
PS. Gimp? Not so much…

Second bit was to be careful with the Adobe Student license, it is
similar to the MS Student license in that you cannot use it for creating
work for commercial purposes. No difference in the software only the

I used to be an eagle…

ashmoore’s Profile:
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DZanre wrote:

In theory this is complete. I haven’t received the email with the new license
number yet, but I do have an order number itself.[/color]

Still no license, and I’m getting annoyed, because they closed the case as
“complete” on the 19th, saying we would receive the “order” in 5 to 7 business
days - since it’s just a license to go into the portal, you would think it
shouldn’t be that long!!!

Novell Knowledge Partner
Upgrading to GroupWise 2012?

DZanre wrote:

Still no license, and I’m getting annoyed, because they closed the
case as “complete” on the 19th, saying we would receive the “order”
in 5 to 7 business days -[/color]

I find a good portion of my time is spent following up on things,
especially when it seems they have fallen through the cracks. I imagine
it is the same with you. You don’t have to like it, but you must be
used to it by now. :wink:

Kevin Boyle
Calgary, Alberta Canada

That’s ridiculous.

I just placed a small volume order… nearly every product came with both
Mac/Win keys right off the bat. I do understand retail is different, but
I would think they’d have a mechanism in place to make the transition
without annoying the customer or just flat out not allow it.

On 1/30/2012 1:03 PM, DZanre wrote:[color=blue]

DZanre wrote:

In theory this is complete. I haven’t received the email with the new license
number yet, but I do have an order number itself.[/color]

Still no license, and I’m getting annoyed, because they closed the case as
“complete” on the 19th, saying we would receive the “order” in 5 to 7 business
days - since it’s just a license to go into the portal, you would think it
shouldn’t be that long!!!

unsigned wrote:

they’d have a mechanism in place to make the transition
without annoying the customer[/color]

In this case, it almost seems as though the mechanism is designed TO annoy the

Novell Knowledge Partner
Upgrading to GroupWise 2012?

On 26/01/2012 14:16, ashmoore wrote:[color=blue]

Two points for PS
First regarding its use for photographers and designers over any other
product (gimp or otherwise)
The use of PS is only partly due to its features and ease of use - it
has its own industry built around providing plugins, actions, add-on
products, training etc etc. All to support graphic professionals using
PS. Gimp? Not so much…[/color]

Meh, prefer Paint Shop Pro - supports the PS plugins, and has native
python scripting for task automation.