Azure SLES 12 SP1 repository problems (again)


We are using Suse SLES 12 images on Azure in our deployments, out of the East US region. The images are of Suse SLES 12 SP1, created from official suse images.

When we ran zypper to search or check the status of a package, zypper simply hangs.
Annoyingly, it also deletes all repositories from /etc/zypp/repos.d after such failures.
Trying to re-register the VM (using /usr/sbin/registercloudguest) hangs as well.

PS: The issue (or others, similar) keeps happening every few days with zypper azure repository…


We had some issues on our US East servers again overnight. They’ve been restarted and are functioning normally now. registercloudguest should get you back online with updates, now.

The issues in US East haven’t gone unnoticed; in fact both US East update servers have been rebuilt 3 times; we’re doing some pretty intensive logging at every level, from Apache down to packet analysis, and will find the solution. It bears noting that our update servers in US East are the only servers we’ve had to rebuild more than once, and servers bearing significantly more load in other regions/providers have not had the same issues.

Thanks. It is indeed working again.