I recently stumbled across Convoy and I am really impressed. Great work!
But I am still struggling with the best backup strategy. I am mainly focused on the VFS/NFS driver and I am asking if it save to backup my convoy volumes (e.g. /opt/convoy/test_volume) directly with some external backup tools e.g. Bacula or burp?
We don’t support backup tools now, since we’ve built a good backup mechanism for device mapper driver. You can submit a feature request for other backup tools using with VFS.
Or you can setup the tools outside of Convoy, which should work for VFS/NFS since their directory won’t change.
Thanks for your reply. Sorry for not being precise enough. I want to use backup tools outside of convoy and backup the VFS/NFS directory. If I unterstand you that should cause no problems, right?
Of course, there would be no problem for these tools to work outside of Convoy. For VFS/NFS it’s just a normal filesystem directory. The only difference is if you delete the volume without “–reference”, Convoy would delete the directory contained the volume as well. So be careful about it.