Closest OpenSUSE to SLES 11 SP4?

Which version of OpenSUSE is closest to SLES 11 SP4?

Hard to say, anything would be out of support, so nothing would be fixed or fixable if it’s broken, mirrors gone to any updates etc. Whereas SLES 11 SP4 would be updated for security fixes, eg bash, openssl, kernel etc.

On Fri, 08 Dec 2017 04:54:02 +0000, susegecko111 wrote:

Which version of OpenSUSE is closest to SLES 11 SP4?[/color]

The releases at that time were on completely separate development paths -
so they really aren’t analogous or “close”.


Jim Henderson, CNA6, CDE, CNI, LPIC-1, CLA10, CLP10
Novell/SUSE/NetIQ Knowledge Partner