[{“insert”:"I saw a guy build a plugin for VS Code that let’s you edit draw.io diagrams directly in the IDE. (link at end)
I think this is a really interested plugin and was wondering what plugins other people are using that are more than just language tools.
“},{“insert”:{“embed-external”:{“data”:{“body”:“You can directly edit and save .drawio.png files.
These files are perfectly valid png-images that contain an embedded Draw.io diagram.
Whenever you edit such a file, the png part of that file is kept up to date.
This allows you to include Draw.io diagrams in readme files on github!”,“url”:“https:\/\/marketplace.visualstudio.com\/items?itemName=hediet.vscode-drawio”,“embedType”:“link”,“name”:”\r
Draw.io Integration - Visual Studio Marketplace\r
I didn’t try this extension but draw.io is a must.
You can share a link to the PNG file or the XML file so your co-workers can edit it.
Ahh just seeing this. Brings back memories