Isn't the new layout horrible?

[{“insert”:"Who approved it? When I see the formatting options which for example Stackoverflow offers with the options in this forum then I think I have landed in the year 1990.

[{“insert”:"Hi “},{“insert”:{“mention”:{“name”:“PeterVarga”,“userID”:24672}}},{“insert”:” - thanks for your feedback. Yeah, we have some work to do here. :slight_smile: Our primary focus for this first round was to simply re-platform and migrate data. We’ll get more into the aesthetics and usability aspects in a future revision. Please provide specific formatting options that you are seeking so that we can to our backlog. Thanks, Sarah

[{“insert”:"No i wouldn’t say terrible just different. Also I’ve seen and am a member of ones that look terrible SUSE’s forum isn’t even close to that one.
I won’t mention that forum here I will however say this much it’s not a Linux forum.


Hi <a class=“atMention” data-username=“PeterVarga” data-userid=“24672” href=“https:\/\/\/profile\/PeterVarga”>@PeterVarga<\/a> - thanks for your feedback. Yeah, we have some work to do here. :slight_smile: Our primary focus for this first round was to simply re-platform and migrate data. We’ll get more into the aesthetics and usability aspects in a future revision. Please provide specific formatting options that you are seeking so that we can to our backlog. Thanks, Sarah<\/p>”,“bodyRaw”:[{“insert”:"Hi “},{“insert”:{“mention”:{“name”:“PeterVarga”,“userID”:24672}}},{“insert”:” - thanks for your feedback. Yeah, we have some work to do here. :slight_smile: Our primary focus for this first round was to simply re-platform and migrate data. We’ll get more into the aesthetics and usability aspects in a future revision. Please provide specific formatting options that you are seeking so that we can to our backlog. Thanks, Sarah
"}],“format”:“Rich”,“dateInserted”:“2020-05-11T18:25:19+00:00”,“insertUser”:{“userID”:48196,“name”:“Sarah”,“photoUrl”:“https:\/\/\/uploads\/userpics\/353\/nR35VMMBI79X1.jpg”,“dateLastActive”:“2020-05-11T22:35:42+00:00”},“displayOptions”:{“showUserLabel”:false,“showCompactUserInfo”:true,“showDiscussionLink”:false,“showPostLink”:false,“showCategoryLink”:false,“renderFullContent”:false,“expandByDefault”:false},“url”:“https:\/\/\/discussion\/comment\/59968#Comment_59968”,“embedType”:“quote”},“loaderData”:{“type”:“link”,“link”:“https:\/\/\/discussion\/comment\/59968#Comment_59968”}}}},{“insert”:"Hi “},{“attributes”:{“link”:“https:\/\/\/profile\/Sarah”},“insert”:“Sarah”},{“insert”:”, if I should sound rude, I apologize, of course it wasn’t my intention and I didn’t know that the forum is still in a development process. I thought this is the final version.
Thank you for asking and to be honest I think, if you could implement “},{“attributes”:{“link”:“https:\/\/\/labs\/markdown\/”},“insert”:“https:\/\/\/labs\/markdown\/”},{“insert”:” then this would be outstanding. Of course, I don’t know anything regarding some possible prices\/licenses etc.
Considering that lot of log files and commands are posted here a better formatting would help to improve the readability of the posts.
I hope something like this can be implemented. Thx, Peter

[{“insert”:"Hi Peter,
thanks for the feedback, it is great to get feedback from our users, so we can can build the best tools and community for you! :slight_smile:
Chris (Developer Community Team)

Turns out there was an issue with two of the editor plugins not cooperating and colliding on css. I think the editor is way nicer now…

Yep, definitely it looks nicer now. Thank you @atgracey