I’m honestly JUST getting started. I don’t know anything and I’m following this quick start guide.
I have a CentOS 7 VM, I removed firewalld, installed iptables-services and I’m not dropping any incoming traffic, updated everything, disabled SELinux, installed docker and started to follow that guide. Eventually I’ll start over with a proper firewall and SELinux enabled but until then, I just want to learn.
Please excuse my ignorance but after I’ve created my first cluster it seems that something went wrong. I’d like to click on explore and start creating my first workload but it’s greyed out. This is the only error I can find.
{ "message": "Network Error", "config": { "url": "https://rancher.mydomain.xyz/v3/clusterregistrationtokens", "headers": { "Accept": "application/json", "x-api-csrf": "1372272ac5" }, "baseURL": "/", "transformRequest": [ null ], "transformResponse": [ null ], "timeout": 0, "withCredentials": true, "xsrfCookieName": "XSRF-TOKEN", "xsrfHeaderName": "X-XSRF-TOKEN", "maxContentLength": -1, "httpsAgent": {}, "depaginate": true, "method": "get", "axios-retry": { "retryCount": 0, "lastRequestTime": 1630866715712 } } }
can someone give me a kick it the right direction? my googlefoo seems to suggest it’s because I’m still using the selfsigned cert?