Error (Bad response statusCode [422]. Status [422 status code 422]. Body: [fieldName=name, baseType=error, code=NotUnique] from [http://localhost:8080/v2-beta/projects/1a5/services])

Hi All,

I am curious to know how to solve this error, " Error (Bad response statusCode [422]. Status [422 status code 422]. Body: [fieldName=name, baseType=error, code=NotUnique] from [http://localhost:8080/v2-beta/projects/1a5/services])". I get this error when I deployed a spark cluster from a dockerfile that I found on the rancher/catalog-dockerfiles git repo. My spark stack deployed but I get this error, messing up my “all green Active” display in the All Stacks summary.

I have reviewed the similar topics but none of them seem to have a fix. Can someone please assist? Thanks!