I recently upgraded to Rancher 0.59.1 and i am now having trouble creating new hosts in AWS. I completely reinstalled docker (1.10.3) and a new rancher still with no luck. Everytime i try to install a new host, after a few minutes i get this error in the rancher web console:
Error running provisioning: Unable to verify the Docker daemon is listening: Maximum number of retries (5) exceeded
I am also running the rancher server on RHEL 7 in AWS, and deploying hosts in RHEL as well (can’t use ubuntu).
Any thoughts as to why i can’t deploy new hosts anymore?
Based on what you are describing, it looks like you are launching hosts from the UI. If so, these hosts are just calling a docker-machine to launch instances in AWS.
Docker-machine takes care of launching the instance and installing docker.
The error you are providing is a failure to communicate with docker. Since the installation of docker and verification happens using docker-machine this seems to be an issue with either the aws docker-machine driver or with RHEL 7 on AWS, with docker-machine.
Have you tried running docker-machine command outside of Rancher to see if it works there? If it works, then please let us know and we can look further into it. If not, I would recommend filing an issue with docker-machine.
Ok so i was able to successfully run with docker-machine to create a red hat instance inside AWS. Including the command below, it works and i can connect to the ec2 instance. Not sure why rancher has a problem with creating the new host, i’d prefer to work through the rancher UI.