Error starting domain: Cannot access storage file 'run/media/root/...: no such file of directory

Error starting domain: Cannot access storage file 'run/media/root/…: no such file of directory
Good day everyone,
just want to seek a little help about this error.
I have trouble starting my VM ang getting this error.
“Error starting domain: Cannot access storage file ‘run/media/root/dd0e5e9d-a37d-463b-ab0c-e626a96ab47b/DEV_DB_STORAGE.qcow2’ (as uid:479, gid:477): No such file of directory”
Can anyone give an input about this ?
Appreciate your help everyone.

@Jomaruel Hi and welcome to the Forum :slight_smile:
What release of SLE are you running as the host cat /etc/os-release?

Sounds like the storage volume is no physically on the machine, normally paths starting with /run/media/ are transient.

The image needs to be on the machine local disk or added as a storage volume.

Have a read here: