[etcd] Failed to bring up Etcd Plane: etcd cluster is unhealthy: hosts [] failed to report healthy. Check etcd container logs on each host for more information

Hello! I’ve been attempting to run Rancher in a single-node Docker deployment. Everything seems fine until creating the first cluster, at that point, the UI remains in the “provisioning” state with the following error: [etcd] Failed to bring up Etcd Plane: etcd cluster is unhealthy: hosts [] failed to report healthy…".


5:33:22 pm [INFO ] Initiating Kubernetes cluster
5:33:22 pm [INFO ] Successfully Deployed state file at [management-state/rke/rke-1475743140/cluster.rkestate]
5:33:22 pm [INFO ] Building Kubernetes cluster
5:33:22 pm [INFO ] [dialer] Setup tunnel for host []
5:33:22 pm [INFO ] [network] Deploying port listener containers
5:33:25 pm [INFO ] [network] Port listener containers deployed successfully
5:33:25 pm [INFO ] [network] Running control plane → etcd port checks
5:33:26 pm [INFO ] [network] Successfully started [rke-port-checker] container on host []
5:33:26 pm [INFO ] [network] Running control plane → worker port checks
5:33:28 pm [INFO ] [network] Successfully started [rke-port-checker] container on host []
5:33:28 pm [INFO ] [network] Running workers → control plane port checks
5:33:29 pm [INFO ] [network] Successfully started [rke-port-checker] container on host []
5:33:29 pm [INFO ] [network] Skipping kubeapi port check
5:33:29 pm [INFO ] [network] Removing port listener containers
5:33:29 pm [INFO ] [remove/rke-etcd-port-listener] Successfully removed container on host []
5:33:29 pm [INFO ] [remove/rke-cp-port-listener] Successfully removed container on host []
5:33:29 pm [INFO ] [remove/rke-worker-port-listener] Successfully removed container on host []
5:33:29 pm [INFO ] [network] Port listener containers removed successfully
5:33:29 pm [INFO ] [certificates] Deploying kubernetes certificates to Cluster nodes
5:33:36 pm [INFO ] [reconcile] Rebuilding and updating local kube config
5:33:36 pm [INFO ] Successfully Deployed local admin kubeconfig at [management-state/rke/rke-1475743140/kube_config_cluster.yml]
5:33:36 pm [ERROR] [reconcile] host [] is a control plane node without reachable Kubernetes API endpoint in the cluster
5:33:36 pm [ERROR] [reconcile] no control plane node with reachable Kubernetes API endpoint in the cluster found
5:33:36 pm [INFO ] [certificates] Successfully deployed kubernetes certificates to Cluster nodes
5:33:36 pm [INFO ] [file-deploy] Deploying file [/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy.yaml] to node []
5:33:37 pm [INFO ] Successfully started [file-deployer] container on host []
5:33:37 pm [INFO ] Waiting for [file-deployer] container to exit on host []
5:33:37 pm [INFO ] Waiting for [file-deployer] container to exit on host []
5:33:37 pm [INFO ] Container [file-deployer] is still running on host []: stderr: , stdout:
5:33:38 pm [INFO ] Waiting for [file-deployer] container to exit on host []
5:33:38 pm [INFO ] [remove/file-deployer] Successfully removed container on host []
5:33:38 pm [INFO ] [/etc/kubernetes/audit-policy.yaml] Successfully deployed audit policy file to Cluster control nodes
5:33:38 pm [INFO ] [reconcile] Reconciling cluster state
5:33:38 pm [INFO ] [reconcile] This is newly generated cluster
5:33:38 pm [INFO ] Pre-pulling kubernetes images
5:33:38 pm [INFO ] Kubernetes images pulled successfully
5:33:38 pm [INFO ] [etcd] Building up etcd plane…
5:33:39 pm [INFO ] Successfully started [etcd-fix-perm] container on host []
5:33:39 pm [INFO ] Waiting for [etcd-fix-perm] container to exit on host []
5:33:39 pm [INFO ] Waiting for [etcd-fix-perm] container to exit on host []
5:33:39 pm [INFO ] Container [etcd-fix-perm] is still running on host []: stderr: , stdout:
5:33:40 pm [INFO ] Waiting for [etcd-fix-perm] container to exit on host []
5:33:40 pm [INFO ] [remove/etcd-fix-perm] Successfully removed container on host []
5:33:42 pm [INFO ] [etcd] Successfully started [rke-log-linker] container on host []
5:33:42 pm [INFO ] [remove/rke-log-linker] Successfully removed container on host []
5:33:42 pm [INFO ] [etcd] Successfully started etcd plane… Checking etcd cluster health

Please suggest me the way how to resolve this error.

No answer?
I’m facing the same issue and no solution seems to be actually helping.

To resolve this issue, I removed all cluster import files from my cluster using the rancher cleanup tool and re-imported the cluster via the UI; Solved my problem;