How install discourse with Rancher?


I would like to install Discourse for my team. Instead of using a new specific VM with docker for this Discourse installation, I would rather install it on my actual Docker hosts, managed by Rancher 0.40.

Unfortunately, Discourse come with a specific launcher script to manage the containers setup and I don’t know how to do.

Has anyone already tried to install discourse using Rancher, and willing to share ?

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Just deployed RancherOS on a VPS. Would be great to hear from the devs if a docker-compose file is being planned or other measures that will help with running Discourse on Rancher.

We mostly focus on the lower-level software more generally applicable to operations teams for the Library, e.g. the Postgres or Redis servers that Discourse requires.

PRs are accepted for the Community Catalog including end-user software, and Discourse has some templates to start from. We might even use it ourselves instead of paying Discourse for hosting :smile:.

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Thanks for posting @vincent.

I would probably have to drop the idea of using the launcher, right?

I took a quick look at the launcher’s readme and there is no reason you would have to drop it. If you had a rancher environment setup, it looks like you could use the launcher. Rancher does a good job of discovering containers deployed on hosts by tools other than Rancher, so those discourse containers would show up in rancher.

You just wouldn’t gain the benefits of Rancher features like service discovery, dns, load balancing, etc.

Anyone experimented with installing Discourse via the new Pipelines in v2.x?