How to degrade rancher version

currently we have upgraded 2.6.2 version we want to go back 2.5.9 version

is there any command for rollback using helm

this command we used for upgraded

helm upgrade rancher rancher-stable/rancher --namespace cattle-system --set --set ingress.tls.source=secret --set privateCA=false

is there any command for rollback

There is no “downgrade” in Helm, but you can “upgrade” to an older version. This is not a safe thing to do though because there are etcd database changes between versions. The only correct way to revert is to have a backup from before upgrading, and then restore that backup.

i used again helm upgrade i went to lower version
want to know one things
2.6.2 its not a stable version

i used below commands

helm upgrade rancher rancher-stable/rancher
–namespace cattle-system
–set ingress.tls.source=secret
–set privateCA=true

In Helm, there is no way to “downgrade,” but you may “upgrade” to a previous version. However, because the etcd database changes between versions, this is not a safe thing to do.