How to delete action chains


right now we have a couple of hundred action chains in SUMA. Now we want to delete them all. How could I do this. I found no spacecmd command to do this.


right now we have a couple of hundred action chains in SUMA. Now we want to delete them all. How could I do this. I found no spacecmd command to do this.[/QUOTE]

Have you checked in UI ‘Schedule’ → ‘Action Chains’ ?


right now we have a couple of hundred action chains in SUMA. Now we want to delete them all. How could I do this. I found no spacecmd command to do this.[/QUOTE]

spacecmd has a generic “api” call where you can call any XMLRPC function implemented in SUSE Manager.
The API has “actionchain.deleteChain” function which can be called that way. The command should look like:

spaccmd api actionchain.deleteChain <label>