I installed ranched with command curl -sfL https://get.rancher.io | sh - and its running as daemon.
My version is VERSION: v2.5.17 (HEAD) after trying to add clusters to my rancher some of them have to new version to be accepted by manger. All my clusters with 1.20.15 are fine but 1.24+ are stuck on pending. Can anyone tall me how in easy way I can upgrade my 2.5.17 to new 2.8.1 Im stuck as hell trying this for 2h now…
RancherD has been discontinued, so you cannot upgrade it as a binary. However, RancherD bootstraps an RKE2 cluster with Rancher on top of it. So, you can still interact with the RKE2 cluster as normal.
The v1.24.X clusters are not working because Rancher is too old. You need to upgrade the Rancher on RKE2, without trying to use RancherD. Please follow the standard procedure as described here: Upgrades | Rancher.
Basically, you need a way to connect to RKE2 (on the node itself, one can be used at /etc/rancher/rke2/rke2.yaml), and you need helm from here : https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/#from-script.
Then, you will need to tell helm where to find the kubeconfig file. On the rancherd node, that will be: