I can't name servers

On Fri, 19 Jul 2013 18:01:53 +0000, kgroneman wrote:


Magnum P.I.[/color]


On 19/07/2013 19:04, kgroneman wrote:

“Susan is quicker than most folks. Don’t ever play mumbly peg with her,
she’ll steal your leg”.

(Extra points if you can name that group/album!)[/color]

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young “Right Between the Eyes” on 4 Way Street.

http://www.lmgtfy.com/?q=play+mumbly+peg+steal+leg+song :wink:

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On 7/17/2013 8:48 PM, Bob Crandell wrote:[color=blue]

Caution! Entering Tech Support Zone.

One of my clients is a law firm that handles personnel injury claims. In
my struggle to give their new server a name, besides server, I came up
with ouch.

I would like to change it to something a little more respectable but I
still have the same “what to name it” problem. I have already ruled out
quityerbellyachin and youoweme.

I could name it with their initials but that has changed a few times over
the ~15 years I’ve worked with them. I think they keep me around because
they feel sorry for me.

So. What to name their server …?

Exiting Tech Support Zone. Have a nice day.
Sosume might prove a good choice.


We have a winner!

Kim - 7/22/2013 2:09:07 PM

Hey Susan,

but knowing your love for CSNY, I’m going to guess

Excellent guess. Simon has the details though, he gets the extra

Kim - 7/22/2013 2:09:18 PM

he gets the extra points.

Perfectly fine with me. : )

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On 22/07/2013 21:09, kgroneman wrote:

Excellent guess. Simon has the details though, he gets the extra

Yay! Now where’s Geoffrey? He’s never around when you need to wind him
up about points! :wink:

Novell Knowledge Partner

Do you work with Novell technologies at a university, college or school?
If so, your campus could benefit from joining the Technology Transfer
Partner (TTP) program. See TTP Organization | Micro Focus for more details.

I got it on the first, but Bob makes me feel so so old. At least my
teenage daughters think I’m cool.


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On Wed, 24 Jul 2013 15:26:01 +0000, lanaleon wrote:

I got it on the first, but Bob makes me feel so so old. At least my
teenage daughters think I’m cool.[/color]

I’ll bet your daughters feel sorry for you and they just want you to
think that they think you’re cool even though you’re older than dirt -
just like me. Well, you are still a little muddy behind the ears.