I have install rancher 2.0 but i don't how to add additional node

I have install rancher 2.0.4 , but I don’t no how to add additional node for single cluster.please give me any proper documentation for adding the node.

Possibly https://rancher.com/docs/rancher/v2.x/en/tasks/clusters/creating-a-cluster/create-cluster-custom/ but there is not much info to go on.

I have refer this link,

but my doubt is see the below screenshot , i have one cluster name as “cluster1” in that column nodes is 1.
how to increase nodes.

Open the cluster, click Edit Cluster, pick your roles and run the docker run command on a Linux node with a supported version fo Docker.

I have try like that but is’n working , I think there is bug rancher 2.0.4 version or in our Ubuntu sever have any bug. I don’t know exact reason.

please help me…!

Which Ubuntu version are you running? Which version of docker?

Docker version

Version: 17.03.2-ce
API version: 1.27
Go version: go1.7.5
Git commit: f5ec1e2
Built: Tue Jun 27 03:35:14 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64

Version: 17.03.2-ce
API version: 1.27 (minimum version 1.12)
Go version: go1.7.5
Git commit: f5ec1e2
Built: Tue Jun 27 03:35:14 2017
OS/Arch: linux/amd64
Experimental: false

and OS

Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS