Include external Storage Node as Cinder Volume

Hi all,

I’m referring to a former thread I posted in October 2015. I’m trying to use a node as a cinder-volume that’s NOT a cloud node. I installed cinder on that node, edited the cinder.conf and it should work. The thing is, I had to edit the pg_hba.conf to allow my external node access to the database. But this only works until the next Chef run, then the service goes back “down”.
So my question is again: how can I add an external node in the pg_hba.conf without Chef overriding it? The only idea I have right now is to edit the recipe and hard-code it, but that’s not what I want… Can anyone shed some light on this topic? Or is this scenario not part of the design as all used nodes should reside within the cloud? Any information is appreciated!


Hi all,

how can I add an external node in the pg_hba.conf without Chef overriding it?

the issue was related to the fact that the external node was not participating in the admin IP network. Now that it’s dual-home, with one leg in the admin network, the external node does fit the default access rule in pg_hba.conf.
