Install OS in a DL20 G9

Hi ,

A customer bought a HP Server DL20 G9 to install SLES 11 SP3 . I saw this webpage

where clearly says that it isn’t compatible.

what can i do now? he doesn’t want to install SLES 11 SP4 or another version upper than SLES 11 SP3…:frowning:

Do you have any idea? the server doesn’t recognize the hp_proliant_gen9-sle11sp3-x86_64-1.0.iso


Am 18.04.2017 um 13:24 schrieb deat:

Do you have any idea? the server doesn’t recognize the

There is a newer version, maybe you’re lucky:


Massimo Rosen
Micro Focus Knowledge Partner
No emails please!

On 18/04/17 12:24, deat wrote:

A customer bought a HP Server DL20 G9 to install SLES 11 SP3 . I saw
this webpage

where clearly says that it isn’t compatible.[/color]

Presumably your customer also saw that page before purchasing the server?

what can i do now? he doesn’t want to install SLES 11 SP4 or another
version upper than SLES 11 SP3…:([/color]

Why not? General support for SLES11 SP3 by SUSE ended in January 2016,
six months after SLES11 SP4 was released. Or perhaps your customer has
Long Term Service Pack support for SLES11 SP3?

Do you have any idea? the server doesn’t recognize the

Define “doesn’t recognize” - does it display an error message?


SUSE Knowledge Partner

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Hi again :slight_smile:

Thanks for all replies.

Our customer did not see anything and proceeded with the purchasing without asking.
he does not want to install SLES 11 SP4 because SLES 11 SP3 is a requisite for his project.
The server does not recognize the SLES 11 SP3 after using hp_proLiant_gen9-sle11sp3-x86_64-x.x.iso , i did not explain the problem well , sorry. This happen because the kernel it is not compatible with the server and the raid controller installed. We were doing a lot of tests but no one worked.

Finally , our customer accepted to install sles 11 sp4. It is the best solution for this i think. Seems to do not exist a solution for it.

Saved by the bell.