Is Rancher ported to power?

Hi All,

Just wanted to know if “Rancher” is ported to power platform already ?

No, but it’s something we would consider working on for the right customer.

Thanks vincent !!!.
What i see is that most of github repos in this org : are having dockerfiles which are specific for x86 arch’s .

Are there any build steps ( building from source ) present anywhere as such for porting rancher ( server/agent/scheduler) to power ?.

There’s some relevant stuff for on-and-off work on ARM (which has a lot more community interest than starting-at-6-figures mainframes :smile:):

Not exactly my area of expertise but the basics is compiling everything (most sub-projects are Java or Golang), packaging it, and making everything pull the right architecture from a docker repository.

“basics is compiling everything (most sub-projects are Java or Golang), packaging it, and making everything pull the right architecture from a docker repository.” … So for just porting rancher - which among rancher components will we need to port. Will the below two suffice ?


A few of the ones in the checklist in 4703 are outdated and there are a few new ones but most of that list. This probably isn’t a complete list but for all the basic functionality: cattle, agent, catalog-service, rancher-compose-executor, websocket-proxy, rancher-auth-service and the compiled ui (but that’s just JS files) all go into the server container. Then the ipsec, healthcheck, network-services, and scheduler catalog items and their associated images.

ok , thanks. To understand rancher much better , i launched rancher dashboard on Intel. Needed to run the rancher server using below command

docker run -d --restart=always -p 8080:8080 rancher/server
With this was able to view dashboard at http://localhost:8080

That moment when i had just one container ( of image - rancher/server ) showing running in rancher UI. Next when i added host to this infrastructure . Had to copy and run the below docker command on the host added.

docker run -e CATTLE_AGENT_IP=“x.x.x.x” -e CATTLE_HOST_LABELS=‘demo=label_value’ --rm --privileged -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /var/lib/rancher:/var/lib/rancher rancher/agent:v1.2.5 http://x.x.x.x:8080/v1/scripts/B9E416B8983D5AFC0B3E:1483142400000:jbd4rTtmmJCWc9AxlG6OMLF80U

There after more containers were shown on the rancher UI -

So am assuming on power as well .we will need to first create a docker image of “rancher/server” -specific to power and thereafter add hosts(ppc64le) or
- adding just directly add a “ppc64le” hosts to any intel rancher UI

Is my understanding …correct ?

Yes; or you could skip the server container and all the stuff it contains for now by running that on x86, then add power hosts to environments on that server