I noticed that the KDE environment of both SLED 12 SP3 and openSUSE 42.3 always stack without any reasons at any time. The login time is also much slower than GNOME or MATE enviornment. Could the developer pay attention to these issues for the coming SLED 15?
I noticed that the KDE environment of both SLED 12 SP3 and openSUSE 42.3 always stack without any reasons at any time. The login time is also much slower than GNOME or MATE enviornment. Could the developer pay attention to these issues for the coming SLED 15?
Thank you very much.[/QUOTE]
Since KDE arrives via SUSE Package Hub, then would suggest looking at openSUSE Leap 15 (in testing now) and resolve there, then it will channel through to SUSE Package Hub…
Have you run ‘systemd-analyze blame’ and ‘systemd-analyze critical-chain’ to see what may be slowing things down?
And here is the output for " systemd-analyze critical-chain"
The time after the unit is active or started is printed after the "@" character.
The time the unit takes to start is printed after the "+" character.
graphical.target @2.493s
└─display-manager.service @1.905s +586ms
└─dkms.service @1.173s +731ms
└─basic.target @1.166s
└─sockets.target @1.166s
└─pcscd.socket @1.166s
└─sysinit.target @1.166s
└─systemd-update-utmp.service @1.161s +3ms
└─systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service @1.153s +7ms
└─local-fs.target @1.151s
└─boot-efi.mount @1.135s +15ms
└─dev-disk-by\\x2duuid-8EB6\\x2d7142.device @1.095s