I was considering SLED and I wondered what kind of support was provided
for KDevelop. Specifically, are there packages for KDevelop on SLED and
if so which version of KDevelop is supported on which version of SLED?
I was considering SLED and I wondered what kind of support was
provided for KDevelop. Specifically, are there packages for KDevelop
on SLED and if so which version of KDevelop is supported on which
version of SLED?
zypper in kdevelop3-3.5.4-1.1.i586.rpm
Refreshing service ‘nu_novell_com’.
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
Resolving package dependencies…
The following NEW package is going to be installed:
The following package is not supported by its vendor:
1 new package to install.
Overall download size: 11.9 MiB. After the operation, additional 19.0
MiB will
be used.
Continue? [y/n/?] (y): y
Retrieving package qt-creator-1.2.1-3.1.79.i586 (1/1), 11.9 MiB (19.0
MiB unpacked)
Retrieving: qt-creator-1.2.1-3.1.79.i586.rpm [done (167.7 KiB/s)]
Installing: qt-creator-1.2.1-3.1.79 [done][/color]
It should also work in SLED-10. I didn’t try to install it for kde4