Longhorn volume creation never finishes

I’m running rancher v2.9.1 on v1.29.4+rke2r1 nodes with Longhorn v1.7.2. I have five schedualable nodes. Each node has 30.9G disk space. I disabled the default disk space ( /var/lib/longhorn ) nodes and am using dedicated virtual disks for Longhorn. I probably need to make sure multipathd and multipathd.socket are not running on any of the nodes but what else could be causing the delay?

Just noticed I have two StorageClasses in the Rancher GUI, ‘longhorn’ and ‘longhorn-static’. I don’t know how that happened or whether it matters. ‘longhorn’ is 1.6 days old while ‘longhorn-static’ is 2.6 days old. Should I remove the older one?

kubectl logs helm-install-longhorn-install-h7jp6

Error: INSTALLATION FAILED: Unable to continue with install: PriorityClass “longhorn-critical” in namespace “” exists and cannot be imported into the current release: invalid ownership metadata; annotation validation error: key “meta.helm.sh/release-name” must equal “longhorn-install”: current value is “longhorn”