Migrating from Docker Cloud to Rancher Tutorial

Docker Cloud will be shutting down in 60 days.
Thanks Docker.

Googling “move docker cloud to rancher” did not reveal any results, and nobody there even speaks about Rancher. Somebody may want to write a tutorial how we can get all our containers to Rancher/kubernetes easily, or put together some web links.

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Did you come across any tutorials or articles on this?


No tutorial, sorry. We set up Rancher 1.6 and have kubernetes working. Rancher 2.0 is released now and I would use it, so I can’t tell you much about this part. You can use Rancher/kubernetes for pulling images from the Docker registry, but we decided to move the registry as well as the Docker guys don’t seem to be good guys (they probably shut this down so they can sell you their Enterprise stuff for $250 per node per month, ridiculous). You can subscribe for free at Google Cloud and can use their container builder for free as well https://cloud.google.com/container-registry/. The only thing they charge is traffic. With 50 containers hosted we could reduce our total monthly cost from $65 to $1. kubernetes also runs much more efficient than Docker Cloud. We could reduce our servers to half what we had before.

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Oh great! That was helpful. Thanks for your quick reply.