NCC: multiple/empty entries under Patches?!

To whom it may concern,

when searching for a patch I go to the NCC Software/Patches and choose
´Novell GroupWise´ in the left DropDown field. Then on the right
DropDown field and see some double Versions:

GroupWise 18.1.0
GroupWise 18.1.0
GroupWise 18
GroupWise 18.1.0
Novell GroupWise 2014.2.0
Novell GroupWise 2014.2.0
Novell GroupWise Mobility Service 2.1
Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise 2012

The two highst entries (GroupWise 18.1.0) are empty. The 4th entry shows
Updates for GW2014 (Newest 03/22/2018)
