We want to create non-persisting worker-nodes without local storage
How can we install rancherOS, such that it can be booted via network and automatically connects to a rancher2.x-cluster?
What I have in mind is something like this:
- boot from official rancherOS.iso in some VM
- copy cloudconfig.yaml to VM (cluster-keys are hard-coded in cloud-config)
- ros install
- shutdown
- convert VM to bootable ISO
- register that ISO in iPXE
- boot via iPXE (repeat on all worker)
Can this work in theory?
Is there a better way to install my cloudconfig in a rancheros.iso?
When I tried it, I couldn’t convert my vdi to a bootable iso. I think it would be possible, but I don’t want to sink any more time into it, if it’s not possible to begin with.
We have a students-pool with ~15 machines (i7, 16GB RAM, no hdd). The students often work with confidential data and all use different OSes, so they each have their own hard-discs. All machines are equipped with slots for removable hard disks.
Most of the time (especially at night/during weekends) those machines are off. Also we have scientific workloads, that require lots of processing for a couple of days. So it would be neat if we could utilize those idle machines easily.