I’m a novice in Suse Manager and I’ve installed a brand new server in v4.1.
In Admin-> products I’ve flagged SLES12SP4, SP5, SLES15SP1, SLES15SP2,SUMA SERVER 4.1 and SUMA PROXY 4.1. All the products seems to be completely downloaded ( product channel synced and child products channels synced ). But if I run mgr-create-bootstrap-repo -l to create the boostrap repo I have only these options:
- SLE-12-SP5-x86_64
- SLE-15-SP1-x86_64
- SLE-15-SP2-x86_64
- SUMA-41-PROXY-x86_64
SLES12SP4 and SUMA SERVER 4.1 are missing, and I don’t understand. I’ve to check somewhere for errors? May I re-run something to see if this list will be complete?
Any suggestion and explanation will be really well accepted