Offline Upgrade SLES 12 SP5 to 15 SP2 Fails (Solved)

Hi All,

HPE Proliant DL580 G9

Offline Upgrade SLES 12 SP5 to 15 SP2 done successfully!

  1. In the file /etc/fstab we changed all mount points from cciss to hpsa;
  2. Downloaded and make the boot with SLE-15-SP2-Online-x86_64-GM-Media1.iso file;
  3. When GRUB menu appears select T, select Upgrade, CTRL+e to edit, and add the hpsa.hpsa_allow_any=1 parameter;
  4. CTRL+x to save and start the Upgrade;
  5. When asked fill the network settings and proceed with the Upgrade (make sure you have internet access);

Note.: After the upgrade we had to reconfigure the name servers.
