Only one node of the cluster is up and running. Which one?

Hi All,
Here’s a query regarding a use case when most of the nodes of the cluster are down and we want to know which nodes are still the part of the cluster (ONLINE). Is there a way to figure out the same from the nodes that are down (as we know crm utility would not run on the nodes that are OFFLINE).

Thanks ahead!

Default deployment allows you to install the web interface (hawk) and to deploy an administrative IP.
With such you will be able to access the web interface and check that.
Another option is to configure ClusterMon as a highly available resource and then to access the status page (via the admin IP) and then check which nodes are online, which in standby/maintenance or stopped.

Last option is to access (via the Admin IP) the Pacemaker API and get that information from there.

Actually all those solutions work from any system that has been allowed (firewall) access.

Sure. Although i have some constraints that hawk is not needed for us.
Is the Admini IP still helpful to fetch details?

[QUOTE=pri14bal;59553]Sure. Although i have some constraints that hawk is not needed for us.
Is the Admini IP still helpful to fetch details?[/QUOTE]

Admin IP + ClusterMon are a good combo. You can define all formats as per crm_mon man page.
It also supports execution of custom scripts.