i replicated suse 11.2 updates repository and run the repodata on that folder.
when i run zypper list-updates i see many updates but when i run zypper list-patchs nothing is listed.
i tried the same command directly aginst https://nu.novell.com/repo/$RCE/SLES11-SP2-Updates/sle-11-x86_64/ , and only then i see the secuiory categiries list im looking for.
am i missing somthing when creating my own repodata.
is repodata does not create the security categoris i need.
how do i check for patchs with my custom repositires.
example for a the required list.
zypper lp --repo sles11-sp2-updates
Loading repository data…
Reading installed packages…
The following software management updates will be installed first:
Repository | Name | Version | Category | Status
sles11-sp2-updates | slessp2-softwaremgmt-201306 | 8047 | recommended | needed
The following updates are also available:
Repository | Name | Version | Category | Status
sles11-sp2-updates | slessp2-Mesa | 7805 | security | needed
sles11-sp2-updates | slessp2-MozillaFirefox | 8187 | security | needed
sles11-sp2-updates | slessp2-NetworkManager | 7600 | recommended | needed
sles11-sp2-updates | slessp2-SLES-SP3-Migration | 8065 | recommended | needed
sles11-sp2-updates | slessp2-audit | 7578 | recommended | needed