I am having trouble finding anything that describes the repositories, what they contain and why they are needed. As an example registering a SLES 11 SP2 fresh install gives you more repositories than I think is sensible:
zypper lr
# | Alias | Name | Enabled | Refresh
1 | SDK11-SP2-Updates | SDK11-SP2-Updates | Yes | Yes
2 | SLE-CSIRO | SLE-CSIRO | Yes | Yes
3 | SLES11-SP2-Updates | SLES11-SP2-Updates | Yes | Yes
4 | SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP2 11.2.2-1.234 | SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Server-11-SP2 11.2.2-1.234 | Yes | Yes
5 | SUSE-Linux-Enterprise-Software-Development-Kit-11-SP2_11.2.2-1.66 | SUSE Linux Enterprise Software Development Kit 11 SP2 | Yes | Yes
6 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP1-Pool | SLE11-SDK-SP1-Pool | Yes | Yes
7 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP1-Updates | SLE11-SDK-SP1-Updates | Yes | Yes
8 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP2-Core | SLE11-SDK-SP2-Core | Yes | Yes
9 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SDK-SP2-Updates | SLE11-SDK-SP2-Updates | Yes | Yes
10 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SP1-Debuginfo-Pool | SLE11-SP1-Debuginfo-Pool | No | Yes
11 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SP1-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE11-SP1-Debuginfo-Updates | No | Yes
12 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SP2-Debuginfo-Core | SLE11-SP2-Debuginfo-Core | No | Yes
13 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-SP2-Debuginfo-Updates | SLE11-SP2-Debuginfo-Updates | No | Yes
14 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-WebYaST-SP2-Pool | SLE11-WebYaST-SP2-Pool | No | Yes
15 | nu_novell_com:SLE11-WebYaST-SP2-Updates | SLE11-WebYaST-SP2-Updates | No | Yes
16 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-Extras | SLES11-Extras | No | Yes
17 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-SP1-Pool | SLES11-SP1-Pool | Yes | Yes
18 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-SP1-Updates | SLES11-SP1-Updates | Yes | Yes
19 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-SP2-Core | SLES11-SP2-Core | Yes | Yes
20 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-SP2-Extension-Store | SLES11-SP2-Extension-Store | Yes | Yes
21 | nu_novell_com:SLES11-SP2-Updates | SLES11-SP2-Updates | Yes | Yes
In particular the 2 repositories to do with SP1 make no sense to me at all. I would have thought you need the original distribution repo (SP2) and an update repo for SP2. There is an identical situation existing for the SDK as well, but at least that is consistent.
Can anyone provide a pointer to something that explains the repos? Failing that, a description here would also suit.