[Pre-release Build] Release - v1.2.0-pre3

Release v1.2.0-pre3



  • The versions of rancher-compose (v0.10.0) and CLI (v0.2.0) are only compatible with v1.2.0-pre3+. Please do not try to use these versions with prior versions of Rancher.

New Features (since v1.2.0-pre2)

  • Service Log Journal [#5967] - Services now include a journal log of all activities/actions performed. This will provide better visibility into failed deployments and or actions of containers within a service.

Known Major Issues

Major Bug Fixes since v1.2.0-pre2

  • Fixed an issue where Machine drivers were not able to be upgraded or downgraded [#5156]
  • Fixed an issue where the rancher agent logs were filled with errors by updating cadvisor [#5512]
  • Fixed an issue where Chinese filenames were not properly displayed [#5417]
  • Fixed an issue where GitHub Enterprise login would hang if the user was not authorized [#5649]
  • Fixed an issue where Rancher would not find the proper bridge IP if they are configured differently than the default 172.16.x.x [#5115]
  • Fixed an issue where Rancher is not setting cookies to secure when TLS is enabled [#5075]
  • Fixed an issue where the rancher-compose CLI will panic if restarting a service that does not exist [#4747]
  • Add ability to cascade delete resources in k8s [#4359]

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