Sorry If this is a stupid question. I tried to google this, but I couldn’t find an appropriate answer.
Here is a Little bit a background info. Currently We have a HA Rancher 2.5 cluster running on our hardware here in the USA. It manages a separate cluster in the same data center. Its for our deployments. We use Jenkins to auto deploy beta versions of our softwares to it.
Here comes the problem. We have an India Office with developers, and we are now adding servers over there for CI/CD. We want to have rancher over there to help them out. We have a connection that hooks their network with ours. The only problem is that it frequently gets to be like 200-300 ping at times.
This is where it gets interesting. Do we (1) Set up a separate Rancher ha cluster over there in India. Set up a separate Jenkins and then have to worry about two separate instances and have double the work. (Not a fan of this one.) (2) Use the Current HA here in the USA then have it link over to the India server to manage the cluster instead of creating two HA Rancher instances. Note that there is a high ping and I don’t know how rancher will work with that. This will allow one Jenkins, and one rancher HA cluster I have to worry about, so almost no extra work load for me.
My main concern is the ping between the servers.
If any body has any idea about this, it would help a lot!
If you need more info about the problem just let me know, I’ll try to explain bettter.