I have just try Rancher 2.3 and created a new cluster and adding the cloud_provider setting in the yaml the same way I did it in Rancher 2.2.8
I am adding the cloud_provider at the bottom of the YAML file
cloud_provider: name: "vsphere" vsphereCloudProvider: global: insecure-flag: true soap-roundtrip-count: 0 virtual_center: myvc: datacenters: "CLOUD" soap-roundtrip-count: 0 user: "administrator@vsphere.local" password: "MyPassword" workspace: datacenter: "CLOUD" default-datastore: "vsanDatastore01" folder: "Rancher" server: "myvc"
But for some reason rancher is not automatically deploying the PVC, I have tested this multiple times, and in 2.2.8 it works perfectly in 2.3 it’s not ?
Any help appreciated