Rancher Desktop - WSL Integration


Hi guys, i tried to install rancher desktop v 1.12.1 on my computer in order to set up a local kubernetes cluster. I already have WSL v2 installed. The installation goes well and the cluster goes up but I have issues when trying to contact the API server from my WSL distro. If I use PowerShell every command with kubectl is ok and in the kube/config file the server is set to the loopback address

When trying from the WSL distro is impossible to contact the API Server. First of all because in the /kube/config file the server is set to https://gateway.rancher-desktop.internal:6443 and the name cannot be resolved and translated into an IP. But the point is that I don’t what IP address put on the server in the WSL kube/config file (I tried with but nothing happened).

Does anyone have suggestions?
