I am running the RancherELK Stack on RHEL 7.2 with docker 1.9.
Rancher Server and Agent are on the same host.
ELK stack gets deployed fine. I see all the services/stack green on Rancher UI. When I try to access Kibana on the Host ( Rancher says that the port is mapped on the Host under Ports), it is not accessible. I am able to exec into the VIP container and curl it.
There are two issues
- Unable to access on the host ( either from outside throught browser or curl, tried with noproxy option)
- Able to access on the container on the port(9090) that was meant to be open on the container.
The machine is behind a proxy. I have proxy settings defined in /etc/default/docker and also passed -e proxy variables for server and agent startup.
Excerpt from the yml file
- 9090:80
io.rancher.scheduler.affinity:host_label: type=monitor
tty: true
image: rancher/load-balancer-service