Rancher web Unable to view log

Basic information:
operating system: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
Kernel version: 5.4.199-1.el7.elrepo.x86_64
docker version: 20.10.17
rancher version: 2.6.5
rancher Deployment mode: stand-alone(docker)
rancher web install k8s version: RKE v1.20.15
kubeproxy: ipvs

I created a k8s cluster on the rancher web page. At first, I could view the docker container running log in the rancher web page. After several restarts, the rancher web page clicks to view the log without any display information. But other functions are normal. And you can use the command line to view the input log normally.The following figure shows the blank window that appears when you click the view log button on the rancher web page。

See Slack . It points to GitHub issues Unable to view pod logs after changing the pod's log row count or log record time · Issue #38037 · rancher/rancher · GitHub & Unable to view pod logs after changing the pod's log row count or log record time · Issue #38037 · rancher/rancher · GitHub .

There was a different Slack post that indicated that there were workarounds in some of the GitHub issues, so hopefully one of those two have the workarounds? If not you could probably ping on Slack. I hear the issues is slated to be fixed in 2.6.7.

Thank you. The problem has been solved