salt-minion on SLES 12 GM not starting


we are currently evaluation SUSE Manager 3. During the registration of our first SLES 12 GM salt minion we are running into trouble.
After adding the repository and installing salt-minion, we added the master: directive to /etc/salt/minion and an activation key to /etc/salt/grains. Everything as mentioned in the documentation. Unfortunately the minion doesn’t start.

# salt-minion -l all [DEBUG ] Reading configuration from /etc/salt/minion [DEBUG ] Using cached minion ID from /etc/salt/minion_id: tesumaclient4.test.local [TRACE ] None of the required configuration sections, 'logstash_udp_handler' and 'logstash_zmq_handler', were found the in the configuration. Not loading the Logstash logging handlers module. [TRACE ] The required configuration section, 'fluent_handler', was not found the in the configuration. Not loading the fluent logging handlers module. [DEBUG ] Configuration file path: /etc/salt/minion [TRACE ] Trying pysss.getgrouplist for 'root' [TRACE ] Trying generic group list for 'root' [TRACE ] Group list for user 'root': [] [INFO ] Setting up the Salt Minion "tesumaclient4.test.local" [INFO ] The Salt Minion is shut down [ERROR ] Minion failed to start [WARNING ] ** Restarting minion ** [INFO ] Sleeping random_reauth_delay of 10 seconds

The master is reachable and is working for other clients including salt and classic one’s.

# nc -zv tesuma.test.local 4505-4506 Connection to tesuma.test.local 4505 port [tcp/*] succeeded! Connection to tesuma.test.local 4506 port [tcp/*] succeeded!

The mentioned client is a fresh installed and unpatched SLES 12 GM.

Any ideas?

Thanks and regards

Is the client fully patched ?
Which version of Python is installed ? Should be 2.7.9.

The client is completely unpatched with Python 2.7.7. I expected SUSE Manager to do the patching job after registering the client. I’ll update to 2.7.9 and give it a try.

That was easy :slight_smile: Thanks for your support!

Updated Python to 2.7.9 and the minion started up.
I took the current packages from our SMT server:

libpython2_7-1_0-2.7.9-14.1 python-2.7.9-14.1 python-base-2.7.9-14.1

We thought about this in the beginning but dismissed it as a rather untypical usecase. The primary use cases of SUSE Manager are

  • boostrap a running system. Assumption: running systems are always fully patched
  • deploy a new system with SUSE Manager’s autoinstallation features. Here SUSE Manager will ensure a fully patched system.